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For general enquiries, please contact Ms. Jean Chen
+886-4-2205-2121 Ext.14126
MBI Symposium is the Asia-Pacific showcase for the future of Mind-Body science. The mission of the MBI Symposium is to promote a global agenda of translational neuroscience, bridging basic science and real-world treatment to provide better card and service in the field of mental health.
The MBI 2023 would therefore like to invite companies and organisations involved in clinical and pre-clinical research, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain to contribute to the educational function of MBI Symposium, by allowing participants to gain access to your high-quality information and advice, services, products and literature.
We welcome participation in a variety of ways. The MBI 2023 provides you with choices of advertising exposure to optimize your brand marketing, such as package sponsorship, exhibition and comprehensive advertisement items. For more information regarding sponsorship, please contact the Secretariat of 13th Mind-Body Interface International Symposium.
連續八年獲得科技部國際會議補助的「身心介面國際研討會」是一個以創新轉譯研究為主軸的神經精神醫學國際研討會。今年,邁向第十三屆的身心介面國際研討會將於112年10月28日至30日於中國醫藥大學(水湳校區)舉辦。本屆會議主題將以晝夜節律之於身心福祉 (mind-body wellbeing) 為主軸,探究睡眠對身心健康的影響與重要性,並找尋優化睡眠和晝夜節律的方式以促進身心健康。主題包括心理學、免疫學、代謝疾病、分子醫學、精神藥理學、東西方營養精神醫學、腸道與大腦的關聯等。此外,也邀請表達性藝術治療、影像醫學、個人化醫療、生活型態 (飲食、運動、冥想、瑜伽、園藝等)、健康促進、疾病管理、公衛流病及大數據等在精神醫學上的應用與研究主題前來交流。
延續往年會議內容的前瞻性及與會者跨領域的踴躍參與度,本屆將與台灣營養精神醫學研究學會 (TSNPR) 共同主辦,並再次獲得享譽國際的心理神經免疫學研究學會 (Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society; PNIRS) 、國際營養精神醫學研究學會 (International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research; ISNPR) 及 國際脂肪及脂質研究學會 (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids; ISSFAL) 三大學會主動爭取共同舉辦跨洲際的亞太區會議 PNIRSAsia-Pacific Symposia、ISNPR Regional meeting、ISSFAL Symposia,會議學術內容豐富,是一場高質量的科學饗宴。