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Best Poster Award (updated on Oct. 22, 2023)
The Best Poster Award will be judged by the scientific committee on the posters provided and the result will be announced and the award will be presented at the Award Ceremony on Oct 29. Best Poster Awardee will be granted with a certificate and USD$200.
Poster Blitz Awards
Among the poster submitted, selected posters will be awarded Poster Blitz Awards! It's a 5-minute oral presentation, sharing a summary of your study findings and highlighting key points. This is challenging but fun and awardees will be granted with a certificate and USD$200.
5-min Poster Blitz awardees!
-Thien Hoang Minh Cao (Vietnam)
-Rachel R. Jin (Hong Kong)
-Yuying Li (China)
-Ting-Hui Liu (Taiwan)
-Ikbal Andrian Malau (Indonesia)
-Lua Ngo (Vietnam)
-Akhil S. Pola (USA)
-Yohanes Tandoro (Indonesia)
-Kai-Jie Yang (Taiwan)
-Halliru Zailani (Nigeria)
Candidate for overseas travel awards must attend in-person and fulfill the following criteria: (1) qualify as an early career researcher at a PhD, postdoctoral or physician resident level, (2) from an overseas country (evidence of either the residence or departing country must be provided); and must Submit an Abstract(s) for oral or poster presentation; and well declare in the application form that she/he wishes to be considered as an overseas travel award candidate. OTA awardees will be granted with a certificate, maximum bursary of USD$1,000, and cordially invited to Gala Dinner.
OTA awardees!